个 人 简 历
以第一作者发表论文20余篇,其中高水平SCI论文12篇,包括国际顶级期刊IEEE TEVC长文2篇(影响因子16.497)、IEEE TCYB长文1篇(影响因子19.118)、IEEE TSMCS长文2篇(影响因子13.451),中科院一区TOP论文5篇、中科院二区TOP论文2篇、中科院二区论文5篇等。
智能制造专题主席:49th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,新加坡,2023
1、 担任国际知名SCI期刊审稿专家
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation (TEVC)
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (TCYB)
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, Cybernetics: Systems (TSMCS)
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS)
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (TII)
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence (TETCI)
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (TASE)
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (EAAI);Swarm and Evolutionary Computation (SEC);Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS);Applied Soft Computing(ASC);Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA);Artificial Intelligence Review (AIE);International Journal of Production Research (IJPR);Computers & Industrial Engineering (CIE);Computers & Operations Research (COR);International Journal of Intelligent Systems(IJIS);Journal of the Operational Research Society;Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems;Engineering Optimization(EO); Machine Learning with Applications (MLWA);IEEE Access;PLOS One;Complexity
2、 担任国内权威期刊审稿专家
Chinese Journal of Electronics
SCIENCE CHINA-Technological Sciences
SCIENCE CHINA-Information Sciences
Complex System Modeling and Simulation (CSMS)
1.G.H. Zhang*(张广辉), B. Liu, L. Wang, D.X. Yu, K.Y. Xing. Distributed Co-evolutionary Memetic Algorithm for Distributed Hybrid Differentiation Flowshop Problem[J],IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation,2022, 26(5): 1043-1157. (Regular paper,SCI/EI收录,中科院1区TOP期刊,JCR-Q1,影响因子16.497).
2.G.H. Zhang*(张广辉), X.J. Ma, L. Wang, K.Y. Xing. Elite Archive-Assisted Adaptive Memetic Algorithm for a Realistic Hybrid Differentiation Flowshop Scheduling Problem[J],IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation,2022, 26(1): 100-114. (Regular paper,SCI/EI收录,中科院1区TOP期刊,JCR-Q1,影响因子16.497).
3.G.H. Zhang(张广辉), B. Liu, L. Wang, K.Y. Xing. Distributed Heterogeneous Co-Evolutionary Algorithm for Scheduling a Multi-Stage Fine-Manufacturing System with Setup Constraints[J],IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2022, DOI:10.1109/TCYB.2022.3217074.(Regular paper,SCI/EI收录,中科院1区TOP期刊,JCR-Q1,影响因子19.118).
4.G.H. Zhang*(张广辉), L. Wang, K.Y. Xing. Dual-space Co-evolutionary Memetic Algorithm for Scheduling Hybrid Differentiation Flowshop with Limited Buffer Constraints[J],IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, Cybernetics: Systems,2022,52(11): 6822-6836.(Regular paper,SCI/EI收录,中科院1区TOP期刊,JCR-Q1,影响因子13.451).
5.G.H. Zhang(张广辉), L. Wang, D.X Yu, C. L. Philip Chen, K.Y. Xing. Knowledge Transfer Driven Distributed Memetic Algorithm for the Distributed Differentiation Flowshop Integrated Scheduling Problem[J],IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, Cybernetics: Systems,2022.(Regular paper, SCI/EI收录,中科院1区TOP期刊,JCR-Q1,影响因子11.471).
6.G.H. Zhang(张广辉), W. J. Ma, K.Y. Xing, L. N. Xing, K. S. Wang. Quantum-Inspired Distributed Memetic Algorithm [J],Complex Systems Modelling and Simulation,2022, 4, 334-353.(T1类期刊).
7.G.H. Zhang(张广辉), K.Y. Xing, F. Cao. Discrete differential evolution algorithm for distributed blocking flowshop scheduling with makespan criterion [J],Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,2018, 76, 96-107. (SCI/EI收录,中科院2区期刊,JCR-Q1,影响因子6.212)
8.G.H. Zhang(张广辉), K.Y. Xing, F. Cao. Scheduling distributed flowshops with flexible assembly and set-up time to minimise makespan [J],International Journal of Production Research, 2018, 56(9), 3226-3244. (SCI/EI收录,中科院2区期刊, JCR-Q1,影响因子8.568)
9.G.H. Zhang(张广辉),K.Y. Xing. Memetic social spider optimization algorithm for scheduling two stage assembly flowshop in distributed environment [J],Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2018, 125, 423-433. (SCI/EI收录,中科院2区期刊, JCR-Q1,影响因子5.431)
10.G.H. Zhang(张广辉),K.Y. Xing, G.Y. Zhang, Z. X. He. Memetic Algorithm with Meta-Lamarckian Learning and Simplex Search for Distributed Flexible Assembly Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem [J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8, 96115-96128. (SCI/EI收录,中科院2区TOP期刊, JCR-Q1,影响因子3.367)
11.G.H. Zhang(张广辉),K.Y. Xing. Differential evolution metaheuristics for the flowshop scheduling with various buffer constraints in distributed environment [J],Computers & Operations Research, 2019, 108, 33-43. (SCI/EI收录,中科院2区期刊, JCR-Q1,影响因子4.008)
12. Q. Li, L.M. Zhang,G.H. Zhang(张广辉,通讯), H.Y. Ouyang, M.K. Bai. Simultaneous detection for multiple anomaly data in internet of energy based on random forest [J], Applied Soft Computing, 2023, 134: 109993. (SCI/EI收录,中科院2区TOP期刊, JCR-Q1,影响因子8.263)
13. L.T. Zhen, L.M. Zhang, T.X. Yang,G.H. Zhang*(张广辉,通讯), Q. Li, H.Y. Ouyang. Simultaneous prediction for multiple heterogeneous energy supply and demand-based sliding time window and convolutional neural network [J]. Energy Reports, 2022, 8: 6110-6125. (SCI/EI收录,中科院2区期刊, JCR-Q2,影响因子4.937)
14. G.D. Zhou, Z.J. Ren, L.D. Wang, J.G. Wu, B. Sun,G.H. Zhang(张广辉), S.H. Zheng, S.K. Duan, Q.L. Song. Resistive switching memory integrated with amorphous carbon-based nanogenerators for self-powered device [J], Nano Energy, 2019, 63: 103793. (SCI/EI收录,中科院1区TOP期刊, JCR-Q1,影响因子17.881)
1. det365手机版引进人才科研专项,YJ201953,面向柔性制造的群智能协同优化调度理论与方法研究,2019.10-2024.07,10万元,在研,主持。
2. 河北省教育厅高校基本科研业务费专项,KY201903,基于混合智能的分布式生产调度问题研究,2020.01-2022.12,10万元,在研,主持。
3. 教育部产学合作协同育人项目,220905038221923,应用导向与科研创新联合赋能《人工智能》课程教学改革与实践,京东物流-北京京邦达贸易有限公司,5万元,2023,主持。
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61573278,制造装配系统鲁棒控制优化方法研究,2016.01-2019.12,64万元,已结题,参与。
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61271396,核内CREB调控的神经元突触可塑性的信号传导网络建模,2013.01-2016.12,76万元,已结题,参与。
6. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,61402122,基于鲁棒判别式非负字典学习的遮挡人脸识别研究,2015.01-2017.12,26万元,已结题,参与。
7. 科学部主任基金项目/应急管理项目,61540051,基于拓扑流形结构分析的模拟电路故障特征提取理论与方法,2016.01-2016.12,已结题,参与。
1. 获得2022年第五届智能优化与调度学术会议优秀Poster论文奖。
2. 参加第二、三、四、五、六届智能优化与调度国际学术会议。
1. 2021年“挑战杯”河北省老员工课外学术科技作品竞赛,“混合离散ABC算法求解分布式流水车间批调度问题”,省二等奖。(员工:贾战晓;指导教师:张广辉)。
2. 2021年第14届中国老员工计算机设计大赛,“基于混合群智能的机器学习及医疗图像分割方法研究”,省三等奖。(员工:俄绍君;指导教师:张广辉)。
1. 本科生:《C语言程序设计》、《人工智能》、《智慧农业导论》、《最优化理论与方法》
2. 研究生:《数值分析》、《学术写作》
1. 团队成员包括青年教师、博硕士研究生共计12名,其中联合指导西安交通大学硕士1名、北京工业大学博士1名。
2. 目前团队与清华大学、西安交通大学、西北工业大学等高校团队有着密切学术交流与合作,欢迎具有计算机、人工智能、数学、自动化背景的员工报考本团队研究生。