◆Feature Extraction and Classification for Remote Sensing Imagery Based on Orthogonal Frequency Division Method. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 490 (2019) 072022
◆Multi-machine and multi-task emergency allocation algorithm based on precedence rules, Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - S 2019, 12(4&5): 1501-1513
◆Passive-Event-Assisted Approach for the Localizability of Large-Scale Randomly Deployed Wireless Sensor Network[J]. Tsinghua Science and Technology. 2019(02)
◆基于本体的农业问答系统研究. (农机化研究,2019) (核心期刊)
◆Passive-Event-Assisted Approach for the Localizability of Large-Scale Randomly Deployed Wireless Sensor Network[J]. Zhiguo Chen,Guifa Teng,Xiaolei Zhou,Tao Chen. Tsinghua Science and Technology. 2019(02)
◆气体绝缘全封闭组合电器局部放电诊断仿真. (计算机仿真, 2019)(核心期刊)
◆基于层次拓扑的无线传感网络的数据融合算法. (现代电子技术, 2018) (核心期刊)
◆基于遗传规划算法的特征构建方法研究. (det365手机版学报, 2018) (核心期刊)
◆“大智移云”技术综述及“智慧农机”应用实例. (计算机应用与软件, 2018) (核心期刊)
◆基于4G辅助的车载网地理路由算法. (现代电子技术, 2018) (核心期刊)
◆智慧农机调配管理平台设计与实现. (中国农机化学报, 2018) (核心期刊)
◆A fall detection model based on asymmetrical support vector machine.Li Congcong, Teng Guifa, Li Lihua. (Modellling,Measurement and Control A. 2017) (EI indexed)
◆A Human Body Posture Detector Based on Three-axis Accelerometer (Revista de la Facultad de ingenieria P106-113)(EI indexed)
◆Formation and Computation of Relationship in Complex Social Networks,Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols .427-429 (2013)p2688-2690 (EI indexed)
◆Research on Application of Artficial Intelligence Technology in GIS Partial Discharge Fault Diagnosis Technology (Journal of Residuals Science &Technology,2017) (EI indexed)
◆Visual Music Score Detection with Unsupervised Feature Learing Method based on K-means(International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics,2015年)(SCI indexed)
◆Design of Millet Seed-metering Device under Hole-seeding Conditions[J]. Advance Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2015 (SCI indexed)
◆A Pre-Determined Nodes Deployment Strategy of Two-Tiered Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Minimizing Cost . (International Journal of Wireless Information Networks,2014(2))
◆Deployment Strategy of WSN based on Minimizing Cost Per Unit Area(Computer Communications,2014)(SCI indexed)
◆稀疏表示及其算法分析. (det365手机版学报, 2014) (核心期刊)
◆基于数码相机的果树枝干三维重建关键技术研究. (det365手机版学报, 2013) (核心期刊)
◆Identification of Jujube Trees Diseases Using Neural Network(Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics,2013年)(SCI indexed)
◆3D Reconstruction of Fruit Tree Stems Based on Improved Matching Algorithm(International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics,2013年)(EI indexed)
◆Research on Multitask Collaborative Scheduling Problem with Heuristic Strategies , Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols .66-88(2011)p758-763 (EI indexed)
◆Minimum Cost Programming Models of Nodes Deployment for WSNs. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engnieers, Dec. 2013(EI indexed)
◆Deployment strategy of WSN based on minimizing cost per unit area. Computer Communications, Oct. 2013(SCI indexed)
◆Formation and Computation of Relationship in Complex Social Networks. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Sep. 2013(EI indexed)
◆Research of Identity Authentication of The Mobile Terminal Voting System. The Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Oct. 2013(EI indexed)
◆Identification of jujube trees diseases using neural network. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, Jun. 2013(SCI indexed)
◆Study on Farm Machinery Scheduling and Allocation Problem with Heuristic Priority Rules. ICIC Express Letters, Jul. 2012(EI indexed)
◆Social Network Analysis Based on Authorship Identification for Cybercrime Investigation. Intelligence and Security Informatics, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Jun. 2011(EI indexed)
◆Research on Multitask Collaborative Scheduling Problem with Heuristic Strategies. Applied Mechanics and Materials, May. 2011(EI indexed)
◆Research on Influenced Factors about Routing Selection Scheme in Agricultural Machinery Allocation[A]. 中国农业大学、中国农业工程学会、北京农业信息化学会.第四届国际计算机与计算技术在农业中的应用研讨会论文集第二部分[C].中国农业大学、中国农业工程学会、北京农业信息化学会:中国农业大学北京市农业物联网工程技术研究中心,2010:9.
◆Improved Humming Music Retrieval Method Based on Wavelet Transformation and Dynamic Time Warping. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Internet Technology Applications, May. 2010 (EI indexed)
◆Research on Influenced Factors about Routing Selection Scheme in Agricultural Machinery Allocation. Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture Ⅳ, Aug. 2010(EI indexed)
◆基于本体的农业问答语义管理系统设计与实现. (det365手机版学报,2008) (核心期刊)
◆A Cybercrime Forensic Method for Chinese Web Information Authorship Analysis. 2009 IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics workshops, Apr. 2009(EI indexed)
◆A watermelon maturity non-destructive detection method based on acoustic oresponse. ICIC Express Letters, Jun. 2009(EI indexed)
◆Sequential pattern mining for Chinese e-mail authorship identification. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Innovative Computing Information and Control, Jun. 2008 (EI indexed)
◆Identifying Chinese E-mail documents' authorship for the purpose of computer forensic. 2008 IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics workshops, Jun. 2008(EI indexed)
◆Manuscript status control algorithm in electronic periodicals. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Innovative Computing Information and Control, Jun. 2008 (EI indexed)
◆Sequential Pattern Mining for Chinese E-mail Authorship Identification. Proceedings of ICICIC2008(EI indexed)
◆Identifying Chinese E-Mail Documents' Authorship for the Purpose of Computer Forensic Lecture Notes In Computer Science. IEEE ISI 2008 PAISI,PACCF,and SOCO international workshops on Intelligence and Security Informatics, Pages:251-259(EI indexed)
◆The Upper Bound of Coverage on Fixed Energy Budget in Wireless Sensor Networks. Software Engineering,Artificial Intelligence,Networking,and Parallel/Distributed Computing,
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◆Research on Mechanism of Agricultural FAQ Retrieval Based on Ontology. Software Engineering,Artificial Intelligence,Networking,and Parallel/Distributed Computing,Aug.2008 Page(s):955-958 (EI indexed)
◆Manuscript Status Control Algorithm in Electronic Periodicals. Proc. of ICICIC2007
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◆Study on Intelligent Speed Adaptation Impact of Driving Safety Based on Simulation,Proc. of ICICIC2007 (EI indexed)
◆One Frame of Expert System for Product Design,Proc. of ICICIC2007 (EI indexed)
◆Improvement of Object-Oriented System Analysis and Design with Aspects. Proc. of the 31st Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference,
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◆Double Transductive Inference Algorithm for Text Classification, Proc. ofInternational Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control,Vol.3,No.6(A),Dec.2007,
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◆The Upper Bound of the Number of Nodes on Fixed Energy Budget in Wireless Sensor Networks, Proc. of Eighth ACIS International Conference (SNPD2007)-Vol.3,Pages:115-118 (EI indexed)
◆Melody Information Extraction of Humming Based on Wavelet Analysis,Proc. of ICICIC2007
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◆Gender Identification for Chinese E-mail Documents,Proc. of ICICIC2007(EI indexed)
◆Research on Forecasting the Dangerous Level of Illegall Emails on Immune Algorithm.
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◆Mining and Sharing Heterogeneous E-Marketing Intelligence-A Universal Metadata-based Approach, Proc. of ICICIC2006 (EI indexed)
◆Improved Algorithm for Text Classification Based on TSVM, Proc. of ICICIC2006
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◆A New Retrieval Scheme Using Meaning Attributes for Ancient Chinese Medical Literature,INFORMATION,Vol.8,No.6,2005
◆Feature Analysis and Representation for Chinese E-mail Document. Proceedings of9th World Multiconference on Systemics,Cybernetics and Informatics,Orlando,2005
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◆Approach to Verify New Class in the Classification Process, Proceedings of 2005 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics,Guangzhou 2005
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◆Selection and Extraction of Chinese E-mail Feature for Authorship Mining,
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◆E-mail Authorship Mining Based on SVM for Computer Forensic,Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics,(IEEE Cat No.04EX826)2004
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◆Research on Natural Language IR System Based on Genetic Algorithm and VSM. Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics,
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◆Feature Extracion of Chinese E-mail Documents for Authorship Mining. Proceedings of Information'2004 Tokyo,Japan Nov.2004
◆Authorship Mining for Chinese E-mail Documents. Proceedings of 8th World Multi conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Vol. II COMPUTER 262-266,2004 (ISTP indexed)
◆基于计算机取证的中文电子邮件作者身份挖掘方法,河北省六学会年会,河北经贸大学学报增刊, 2004年8月
◆Smart Business Decision Support System With Agent, Proceedings of 8th World Multiconference on Systemics,Cybernetics and Informatics ,Vol.I INFORMATION SYSTEM,TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS,SCI I 429-432,2004 (ISTP indexed)
◆基于J2EE的选课系统的研究与实现 ,det365手机版学报,2003年第26卷增刊
◆Facilitate software evolution through abstraction and programming knowledge. Proceedings of 6 the World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Vol. V COMPUTER SCI I :197-202,2002(ISTP indexed)
◆Support Software Evolution with Abstraction Rules and Programming Knowledge Patterns,
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◆The Design and Implementation of Efficient Inference Engine,Proceedings of PACE'95,P127-128
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◆An Environment for Knowledge Engineering with Object-Oriented Technology,CJCCA'95
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